Our bodies had developed a new softness. Our hips widened and our skin developed a velvety, delicate softness. We even had little bellies that added to the feminine shape.

Lee's yellow dress floated around his nipped waist with full frothy skirts and clung to his plump posterior. His legs were shapely in sheer black nylons, perched on stilt heels. The bodice was daringly low cut.

Running his fingers over his blossoming breasts, Lee said, "Mom, this dress does something for these. I don't know why you buy me such femininely sexy dresses."

Mrs. Roberts commented, "If you got it, flaunt it." Lee said, "But I don't want to dance."

"You boys make absolutely marvelous young ladies, and young ladies love to dance. Every man will want to dance with you two. Let's go, I promise you'll have fun."

After more primping and the approval of our makeup from Mrs. Roberts, we left for the dance. Our faces flushed by the knowledge that we both looked and felt like attractive young females.

At the dance, there was a short organized fireworks display. Afterwards, Lee and I allowed a couple of gentlemen to take us out on the dance floor. Shortly, we were whirling about in their arms.

During the lessons, I thought I would never get used to dancing backwards. Our dance teacher explained, "It's a matter of trusting your male partner and relying upon him to guide you in the right direction. You must give up control to your partner." I was now totally comfortable. After several dances, I sat down with Mrs. Roberts, who was watching Lee out on the dance floor.

Lee's partner swirled him so quickly that his full skirt flared, showing his lacy panties. Mrs. Roberts clapped at their fancy moves, then whispered, "Lee dances better than most of the real girls here. You do real well also."

I still didn't understand Mrs. Roberts. Here was her son, courted and dancing with almost every man in the place, as was I. Mrs. Roberts couldn't seem to take her eyes off Lee as man after man lead him around the dance floor. Each stealing a touch, caressing his waist and holding him tight during the slow dances. Mrs. Roberts had a look of pride on her face. She pointed and said, "I think Lee likes that fellow, he's been dancing every slow one with him."

Lee was dancing real close with a fellow, Mike, we had met at the pool. It almost looked like Lee was asleep on his shoulder. Mike's hand was on the small of Lee's back, the other holding his hand close in.

Later while I was dancing, I saw Mike escort Lee, arm in arm out to the garden for an apparent breath of fresh air. I was dancing with an older gentleman, George, who said, "Say, it's stuffy in here. Let's take a walk outside and get some air? Maybe we'll see some fireworks."

I blushed and lowered my long lashes, "I don't know if I should?"

"Come on, lot's of couples do it," he persisted.

He guided me out the french door onto the patio, and said, "Let's take a stroll in the gardens." I followed mincing along through the garden path. As we passed a couple seated on a garden bench, I realized what this walk was about. The couple was in a mad embrace, scarcely looking up to acknowledge our presence. I hoped these weren't the fireworks, George wanted me to see.

We sat in a dark spot, hoping to see a rouge firework explode. George's arm slipped around my small waist and pulled me close. A moment later, I found myself in a fiery embrace, George's lips trying to find mine.

"Please you mustn't," I said, as I felt George's hand on my knee gently lifting the hem of my dress. I pushed him away and stood up. "I think we should go back to the dance." George apologized, telling me I was just too attractive and he lost his head. The thought of his intentions sent chills up my spine. What if he had discovered my secret?

It was another fifteen minutes, when Lee and Mike returned from the garden. Lee looked a little rumpled. He immediately grabbed his purse and went to the ladies room to freshen up. I followed Lee into the ladies room and found him at the mirror fixing his hair and makeup. He smiled and winked when he saw me.

"That garden's a dangerous place," I said, fluffing my hair. "Did you have your hands full?"

Lee giggled, "Mike's a gentleman and very polite but wanted to fill more than my hands. I wish I hadn't worn such a low cut dress." Barely concealed by the top of his dress, Lee puffed his chest out flaunting the cleavage of his newly sprouted prominences.

At the end of the dance, Mrs. Roberts and I waited by the door while Lee said good night to Mike. Mike kissed him on the cheek.

Knowing that Mike was still by the door watching, Lee walked over to us with the sexiest wiggle ever and said, "Mom, can I go to a movie with Mike tomorrow?"

"Okay, if you're sure you sincerely want to date a man," Mrs. Roberts said.